Do Relationships with Childhood Friends Last?

Do Relationships with Childhood Friends Last?

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Relationships with childhood friends: a dream for some, a nightmare for others. A recent poll conducted on Hunch, the anonymous social media platform for Gen Z, explored this intriguing topic. The poll results showed a wide range of opinions on whether relationships with childhood friends ever work out. Let’s dive into the findings and analyze what they reveal about Gen Z’s perspective on this unique relationship dynamic.

Poll Results

  • Never (10.1%): A significant minority believes that relationships with childhood friends never work out. This perspective might stem from personal failures or observed patterns of these friendships fizzling out.
  • Sometimes (78.5%): The majority feel that these relationships can work out under certain circumstances. This nuanced view acknowledges that while some childhood friendships evolve successfully into adult relationships, others may not withstand the changes that come with growing up.
  • Makes it Better (11.4%): A hopeful minority believes that having a long history with someone enhances the relationship. These individuals might have experienced or witnessed relationships where shared history and deep understanding led to a stronger bond.

These results paint an interesting picture. A significant majority (78.5%) believe that relationships with childhood friends sometimes work out, while a smaller group (11.4%) think that knowing each other for so long actually makes the relationship better. However, 10.1% are firmly in the camp that such relationships never work out.

Top Comments

The comments section of this poll on Hunch is a goldmine of personal anecdotes and varying perspectives. Here are the top comments:

  1. “Tried, failed miserably.” – This commenter’s experience highlights that despite efforts, some childhood friendships don’t translate well into adult relationships.
  2. “It never did for me personally, but I know others who think that it makes it better to have known each other for so long.” – This viewpoint emphasizes that while it didn’t work out for them, there are success stories out there.
  3. “Worked for my parents and their friends. Not for me so much. I think it’s different for everyone.” – A generational perspective showing that what worked in the past might not necessarily work today.
  4. “Happens to lucky people, for me it didn’t sadly.” – A bittersweet recognition that successful relationships with childhood friends might be a matter of luck.
  5. “In my experience, absolutely not. Any kind of relationship with childhood friends will almost always be cut off at some point.” – A strong negative stance suggesting that such relationships are inherently fragile.
  6. “I can’t speak from experience, but I’ve heard from some others that their relationship with their childhood friend is the most important thing to them, and some others have actually started dating them.”– An outsider’s perspective acknowledging both the deep bonds and romantic possibilities.

These comments reflect a spectrum of experiences, reinforcing the poll results. Some have found lasting love with their childhood friends, while others have faced heartbreak and disillusionment.

Challenges of Relationships with Childhood Friends

Despite the potential benefits, these relationships also face unique challenges:

  1. Over-familiarity: Knowing someone too well can sometimes lead to a lack of excitement or novelty in the relationship.
  2. Growth and Change: People change as they grow, and childhood friends may grow in different directions, making it hard to maintain a romantic relationship.
  3. Emotional Baggage: Past conflicts or unresolved issues from childhood can resurface and affect the relationship.


The Gen Z Perspective

For Gen Z, relationships are complex and multifaceted. This generation values authenticity and open communication, which are crucial for any relationship to thrive. Platforms like Hunch provide a safe space for Gen Z to explore their thoughts and experiences anonymously. Here are four key features of Hunch that make it appealing to Gen Z:

  1. Anonymous: Users can share their true feelings without fear of judgment.
  2. Polls Only: Hunch allows users to ask any question and engage with others’ responses through polls.
  3. GOSS (Chat Features): This feature is designed to be creep-proof, ensuring a safe chatting environment.
  4. No Cancel Culture: Hunch promotes open dialogue without the fear of being canceled.


Relationships with childhood friends can be a double-edged sword. While they come with a unique set of advantages, they also pose significant challenges. The Hunch poll results and comments highlight that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It ultimately depends on the individuals involved and their unique circumstances.

As Gen Z navigates the complexities of modern relationships, platforms like Hunch provide valuable insights and a supportive community to share experiences. Whether you’re considering dating a childhood friend or reflecting on past experiences, remember that every relationship is unique and what works for one person may not work for another.

About this Poll

A recent Hunch poll reveals diverse Gen Z perspectives on relationships with childhood friends. While 78.5% believe they sometimes work out, 10.1% say never, and 11.4% think it makes relationships better. Personal anecdotes highlight both successes and challenges, reflecting the complexity of such relationships. Platforms like Hunch offer Gen Z a safe, anonymous space to discuss these experiences openly.


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